I’m waiting to ignite your erotic desires, stopping time in heavenly pleasure and hot moments, that I promise will leave you craving for more.
Important points to note before you contact me :
1. I will not entertain anyone under any influence of alcohol or drugs.
2. If you require sex without a condom, look elsewhere.
3. Advanced bookings are greatly appreciated and highly recommended.
4. Your donation for our arrangement should be left in clear view at the beginning of our meeting. Never make me ask for it.
5. To fully enjoy and maximize our meeting, you must be freshly showered, well - groomed, smell nice, and have minty - fresh breath.
6. Please be respectful and always act in a gentlemanly manner. Your kindness, generosity, and chivalry will be appreciated and rewarded.
Thanks for reading my profile and have a sexy day!
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