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11 JUN 24
25 Years | Call Girls | Delhi Vasant Kunj
Ad ID: in0vj4l0r

I will never do anything for money that will not bring me pleasure at Vasant Kunj Delhi City

Hello my hot gentlemen. Do you love sex as much as I love it, the main thing for you is quality and not quantity.
Then welcome to my world . With all due respect to all sorts of men, don't waste your time if you don't like my rules. Now let's talk about me and my rules.
Very sensual and subtle nature , i like to dive into deep sexual pleasures losing control in the enjoyment of sex , often want more and more , with me you weast time and think about the quantity , I like to give pleasure and I get an orgasm when I see your satisfaction.
I understand that many men immersed in business do not have time for lengthy courtship and correspondence to get results. Many do not need a headache, tantrums and drama, if you recognize yourself then you will come to me in my world of pleasure and deep relaxation.
With me you can spend from a couple of hours to the agreed time, I am open to traveling and going to a restaurant. What are the rules you ask? Men who are looking for cheaper, discounts or one time.... who are looking for dirty sex, perversion or mockery of a woman pass by, do not waste your time ..!!!
I sell my time and body for worthy gentlemen and choose myself with whom and when. I will never do anything for money that will not bring me pleasure. Quality and not quantity , enjoyment and not expense of money .
Slave I can be in sex but not in humiliation. With all my respect to you my hot gentleman from you Slave in love


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