I have excellent taste and style. I meet rarely and very selectively. I communicate personally. I regard each meeting more as a bright date than as a job🥰
First meeting, eye contact, relaxing music, candles flickering, flirty smile... i undressing you carefully and tenderly and then erotically stripping off my clothing.
With a seducing look i going to a shower room and offering you to follow me. the tight jets of water, with the help of gentle foam i caressing every centimetre of your body with my, paying more attention to the erogenous zones, tantalizing and tempting you. The sexual arousal is growing up...
After shower you understand that the tenderness is not the only thing that these hands know. You feel their strength while having proper massage from top to toe. Not a single muscle of your body is forgotten.
How pleasant it is - to stop thinking about everything, not hurrying up and to relax profoundly, carelessly dissolving in skilled hands.
And this is the moment of the deepest relaxation when your body is so sensitive and ready to the next stage...
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